Holy Theory v0.0.9 Update
Hello everyone!
The 0.0.9 version of the Holy Theory project is released. This time I was swimming in the LeetCode ocean. It’s why so many trainings in this release. I had an extremely busy week and didn’t have time for a theory investigation. However I found time for some interesting tasks. These trainings are not so difficult, but interesting. I hope the next week will be much more interesting and I will finally start sorting of all collected information.
- add Simplified Continuous integration flow
- add Swap Nodes in Pairs training
- add Length of Last Word training
- add Symmetric Tree training
- add Balanced Binary Tree training
- add Find the Pivot Integer
- add Word search training
- add Generate Parentheses training
- add Binary Tree Inorder Traversal training
- add Permutations training
- add Rotate image training
- add Maximum Depth of Binary Tree training
- add Add binary training
- add JS Arrays cheat sheet
The project link: https://github.com/AndersDeath/holy-theory
Thank you and have a great week!