Holy Theory v0.0.7 Update
1 min readMar 6, 2023
Hello everyone!
The 0.0.7 version of the Holy Theory project is released. This week was mostly dedicated to trainings and load balancing algorithms. I’ve added some schemes and sources about it. Besides that I started filling of JavaScript section. The next week will be dedicated to it. At the same time I still working on Eleventy implementation. I thik the first version will be ready in 3–5 days.
- add Adjacency list to adjacency matrix training
- add Adjacency matrix to adjacency list training
- add Round robin
- add Sticky round robin
- add Weighted round robin
- add IP/URL hash
- add Least connections
- add Least time
- add Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters training
- add Add Two Numbers training
- add Binary search scheme
- add Valid parentheses training in TS
- add Longest common prefix training in TS
- add Median of two sorted arrays in TS
- add another solution for Merge two sorted linked lists
- add Search insert position training in TS
- add Climbing stairs training in TS
- add Same tree training in TS
- add Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String training in TS
- add JavaScript number size summary
- add Array length property JS
- add JS data types
The project link: https://github.com/AndersDeath/holy-theory
Thank you and have a great week!