Holy Theory v0.0.6 Update
Hello everyone!
The 0.0.6 version of the Holy Theory project is released. I was swimming in system design topics during this week. I’ve added some schemes that might be very useful for a person who just started learning system design. The next week will be also dedicated to this kind of problems. Also I proceeded working on Eleventy version of Holy Theory. I finally finished with prototype. I need to do only one thing — write some template using Tailwind.
- add memo training in JS
- add interpolation search
- update binary search
- update quick sort
- add big O complexity graph
- add graph abstract
- add bubble sort in Java
- add selection sort in Java
- add how dns resolves ip address
- add single server setup
- add database + single servers setup
- add load balancer
- add database replication
- add fibonacci streaming training in TS
- add Web tier + Data tier + Load balancer System design
- add cache tier
- add cdn workflow
- add Web tier + Data tier + Load balancer + Cache + CDN System design
- add Stateful architecture
- add Stateless architecture
- add Web tier + Data tier + Load balancer + Cache + CDN stateless System design
- add System design with data centers
- add Message queue
- add System design with message queue
The project link: https://github.com/AndersDeath/holy-theory
Thank you and have a great week!