Holy Theory v0.0.30 Update
Hello everyone!
The 0.0.30 version of the Holy Theory project has been released.
My main task is still adding explanations to trinings. The only new thing today is that I’ve added an answer to the question about what happens when you type a web address and press “enter” in a browser. Other than that, there’s nothing new. See you next week!
- update Implement Stack using Queues training, add explanation of solution
- update Integer to Roman training, add explanation of solution
- update Intersection of two arrays 2 training, add explanation of solution
- update Intersection of Two Linked Lists training, add explanation of solution
- update Intersection of two arrays training, add explanation of solution
- update Inventory update training, add explanation of solution
- update Invert Binary Tree training, add explanation of solution
- update Island Perimeter training, add explanation of solution
- update Isomorphic Strings training, add explanation of solution
- update Keyboard Row training, add explanation of solution
- update Length of Last Word training, add explanation of solution
- update License Key Formatting training, add explanation of solution
- update Linked List Cycle training, add explanation of solution
- update Lonely Integer training, add explanation of solution
- update Longest common prefix training, add explanation of solution
- update Longest palindrome training, add explanation of solution
- update Longest Palindromic Substring training, add explanation of solution
- update Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters training, add explanation of solution
- update Longest Uncommon Subsequence I training, add explanation of solution
- update Majority Element training, add explanation of solution
- update Max Consecutive Ones training, add explanation of solution
- update Maximum Depth of Binary Tree training, add explanation of solution
- update Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree training, add explanation of solution
- update Median of two sorted arrays training, add explanation of solution
- update Memo training, add explanation of solution
- add 12-browser-url-search question
The project link: https://github.com/AndersDeath/holy-theory
Alpha Eleventy based version: https://eleventy-vladimir-test.netlify.app/
Alpha version of builder.js generator result: https://andersdeath.github.io/holy-theory/builder/test/index.html
Thank you and have a great week!