Holy Theory v0.0.28 Update
Hello everyone!
The 0.0.28 version of the Holy Theory project has been released.
I’m still in the process of adding information to the trainings sections. My most recent progress was completing updates up to the letter “C”. Today, I’m currently in the middle of “F”. There haven’t been any other updates.
- update Delete Duplicate Emails training, add explanation of solution
- update Detect Capital Use training, add explanation of solution
- update Diameter of Binary Tree training, add explanation of solution
- update Distribute Candies training, add explanation of solution
- update Duplicate Emails training, add explanation of solution
- update Employee Bonus training, add explanation of solution
- update Employees Earning More Than Their Managers training, add explanation of solution
- update Even number of digits training, add explanation of solution
- update Excel Sheet Column Title training, add explanation of solution
- update Fibonacci Number training, add explanation of solution
- update Fibonacci streaming training, add explanation of solution
- update Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array training, add explanation of solution
- update Find Customer Referee training, add explanation of solution
- update Find Mode in Binary Search Tree training, add explanation of solution
- update Find the Difference training, add explanation of solution
- update Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String training, add explanation of solution
- update Find the median training, add explanation of solution
The project link: https://github.com/AndersDeath/holy-theory
Alpha Eleventy based version: https://eleventy-vladimir-test.netlify.app/
Alpha version of builder.js generator result: https://andersdeath.github.io/holy-theory/builder/test/index.html
Thank you and have a great week!