Holy Theory v0.0.10 Update
Hello everyone!
The 0.0.10 version of the Holy Theory project is released. The main thing is that I finally published Eleventy based version to netlify. It’s rude alpha and I copied only algorithms section there. Next time it will be much better. Additionally, this thing is a cool candidate for a new article that I will publish to hackernoon. I want to describe my personal pain that I experienced during adding Tailwindcss to Eleventy. I think it will be interesting.
Regarding content. This week I was focusing on trainings from leetcode. Plus I started drawing schemes of some popular algorithms.
The plan for 0.0.11 version is to sort already added content and to draw new schemes.
- add plus one training in TS
- add String to integer (atoi) training in TS
- add big countries training in SQL
- add Duplicate Emails in SQL
- add Single Number training in TS
- add Sqrt(x) training in TS
- add Promise action flow
- update add binary
- add Reverse bits training
- add selection sort scheme
- add Possible types of function in JS
- add Different ways of declaring functions in JS
- add Linked List Cycle training in TS
- add Merge Sorted Array training in TS
- add Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree in TS
The project link: https://github.com/AndersDeath/holy-theory
Alpha Eleventy based version: https://eleventy-vladimir-test.netlify.app/
Thank you and have a great week!